The Gymnasium is part of the educational system in Switzerland. The transfer to a short-term gymnasium can take place after the second and third grade of secondary school or after two years at a lower secondary school. Particularly in the canton of Zurich, the transfer to a short-term gymnasium from secondary school can only take place after successfully passing an entrance examination. Children who have previously attended a long grammar school can transfer to a short grammar school without an entrance examination and probationary period. The Kurzgymnasium usually lasts four years. The students choose a baccalaureate profile. The following Matura profiles are available in the Canton of Zurich:
- Ancient language profile (Latin, Ancient Greek)
- New language profile (English, Italian, Spanish)
- Mathematical-scientific profile (mathematics, physics, biology, chemistry, computer science)
- Economic-legal profile
- Artistic profile (visual arts, music)
- Sports High School
All of these baccalaureate profiles provide a common education in the basic subjects, with different emphases depending on the profile.
It is also possible to complete a bilingual Matura course. The bilingual Matura course is open to all students from the third grade and lasts between two and four years, depending on the Gymnasium. In Zurich, the following bilingual Matura courses are offered:
- German-French
- German-English
- German-Italian (Liceo Artistico)
Mother tongue French or English are not prerequisites for the bilingual baccalaureate. However, as only a limited number of free places are available, there is no entitlement to admission.
If the Gymnasium is successfully completed, students receive the gymnasiale Matura, which gives them access to studies at a university in Switzerland.