There will be more changes to the admission process for the short high school starting with the March 2023 exam. New:
- The preliminary grades of the last report card are included in the passing grade, i.e. the preliminary grades in the last January report card are weighted equally with the exam grades. For this preliminary grade, the grades of the subjects Mathematics, German, French, English and Nature & Technology count.
- French is no longer tested, i.e. only mathematics and German are tested at the entrance examination for the short grammar school.
- The passing grade is an average of 4.75
- Attention: the preliminary grades of private schools will not be accepted, but the passing grade will be lower at 4.5The admission procedure for the short high school will change more from the examination in March 2023. New:
- The preliminary grades of the last report card are included in the passing grade, i.e. the preliminary grades in the last January report card are weighted equally with the exam grades. For this preliminary grade, the grades of the subjects Mathematics, German, French, English and Nature & Technology count.
- French is no longer tested, i.e. only mathematics and German are tested at the entrance examination for the short grammar school.
- The passing grade is an average of 4.75
- Attention: The preliminary grades of private schools are not accepted, but the passing grade is lower at 4.5