- Organization
Keep your class materials in order from the beginning. At the short high school you are guaranteed to have many more subjects, homework, exercises and papers than at the secondary school. Create a folder for each subject and organize it by theory, exercises, summaries, exams, etc. Put notebooks, pads, bookmarks, pens with different colors, etc. in it. Always have your documents with you. It is best to have an agenda where you can write down your schedule, exam dates and homework to keep track of everything. It is very important that you are always well organized and know where to find your documents. Teachers usually presuppose everything in the exams that was covered in class. A good organization system ensures that you don't lose or forget anything. In addition, the school material builds on each other and you will be glad if you know where you can find something in order to read it again.
- Remain constant
Study and practice continuously. Do your homework and practice for the subjects continuously. It makes little sense to learn all the material for an exam just before the exam. Firstly, you will not learn the content in the long term (which you should, because the material is building up and is a prerequisite for future lessons once it has been covered). Secondly, it is hardly possible to learn so much in such a short period of time, especially during rigorous weeks in which you may have an exam every day. Also, always keep in mind that it's not just about understanding or learning the material, but also practicing it. Practice will show you if you have really mastered the material and at a certain pace. Therefore, once again: practice, practice, practice! We recommend that you practice every day for a set amount of time, but do not exceed that time. Put away your cell phone and anything else that might distract you. Make sure you are in a comfortable and calm learning atmosphere. During this time you should be able to work fit and highly concentrated without being disturbed or stressed.
- Seek help (if necessary)
If you do not understand something, it is important that you seek help immediately. In the Kurzgymnasium, the lessons continue quickly and the material builds on each other. If you do not understand something correctly, ask your teacher again in class or seek help from your classmates. If you have more profound comprehension problems, you can also attend professional tutoring. Especially in the beginning, this is common for many high school students. The adjustment, the pace and the pressure can be very stressful and a big hurdle. Therefore, tutoring is nothing rare or something to be ashamed of. On the contrary, it is wiser to seek help early on to build a solid foundation.
- Talk to your parents or friends
The probationary period can be very depressing for some children. Whether it is due to the big change, the many exams and homework or the selection pressure has a psychologically stressful effect. This is sometimes reflected in frequent mood swings or sleeping disorders. Talk to your parents, friends or another confidant if you don't feel well or the pressure becomes too much. Your health is more important than an exam grade. Don't just ignore your feelings, talk about them with people you trust and work out a solution together.
- Find a balance
It is important that you find a balance for yourself besides school. It should be something that you really do just for you (and not for school) and that you enjoy. A sport, something in the fresh air or something creative - everything helps you to clear your head and to get distance from the school stress. Do something with your family or friends. Maintain your social contacts. You should feel satisfied and happy!
- Try out different learning techniques
Many of the new students are not used to having to learn so much. Sometimes a child needs to learn how to learn properly and efficiently. Therefore, be sure to try different learning techniques to find the ideal one for you. Here are some ideas:
- Write a summary about the subject matter and break it down into
- Learn with flashcards; but write them yourself! (Especially for vocabulary very helpful)
- Learn together with friends and try to solve a problem together
- Read through the lesson material and mark important passages
- Record yourself in an audio while talking about a topic and listen to it over and over again
- Talk about the subject matter; explain it to your family or classmates
- Ask someone to quiz you (e.g. on vocabulary)
- Solve exercises (several times), but without looking at the solutions
- Ask your teachers for old exam papers or sample papers
- Healthy lifestyle
A healthy sleep rhythm, sufficient exercise, a wholesome diet, social contacts, fresh air and a contented attitude contribute more to passing the probationary period than you might think. Fit and rested, you can easily handle the stressful school day and concentrate on learning. Positive thoughts and a contented attitude will help you get through slumps and low motivation.
- Motivation lows and sags are normal
In the past, at secondary school, you might have written top grades without any problems and without studying much. At the short high school, however, that changes for many. You'll have to work much harder and harder, and you may not get the grade you want. Sometimes you can study as much as you want, the material just won't get into your head. Some subjects will suit you, others will not. Maybe you won't be able to cope with a teacher's way of teaching or everything is going too fast for you. You may also have hoped for a better grade in an exam. This can have a demotivating effect, but it is completely normal. Learn to deal with it. In the end, it's the totality that counts, not individual snapshots. Don't let it get you down, but keep trying. The trial period should also show which students have what it takes to persevere and show fighting spirit.
What is the short-term high school?
Tips and tricks to pass the entrance exam for the short high school.
How can parents support their children on the path to short-term high school?