At the end of the first semester, all 6th graders in the canton of Zurich decide which type of school they will be assigned to in 7th grade. Many students and parents do not agree with the teachers' transfer decision. The cantonal control examination offers an opportunity to influence the transfer process and, in the best case, to still be assigned to the Sek school type.
What is the control test?
Pupils of the Canton of Zurich are to be assigned to a type of school according to their abilities and presumed development, the subjects of which they will attend in the 7th grade. This landmark decision is made mainly at the discretion of the teacher. If a child and his or her parents do not agree with this decision, it is possible in the canton of Zurich to take part in a cantonal control examination and thus influence the decision. Children who pass the exam can then transfer to the Sek regardless of the teacher's classification.
The control examination takes place every March and consists of three partial examinations for German, French and mathematics. Students who decide to take the control exam must take it in all three subjects. The result of the exam replaces the previous decision of the teacher in all subjects, i.e. if the control exam is passed, the child can attend the 7th grade at the Sek level. However, this is also true if the child does not pass, so in the worst case, children can be demoted if they do not pass the exam. Nevertheless, the control exam offers a good and equal opportunity opportunity to influence the transfer decision.
When is it worthwhile to take part in the control test?
MYTUTOR recommends participation in the control examination especially if the required grade point average was only just missed and the student is basically ready to perform. It is important to start preparing for the exam as early as possible and to concentrate on the two stronger subjects, so that ideally it is possible to transfer to the main class Sek. The time and willingness to repeat all the important subjects of the 5th and 6th grade within the shortest possible time must absolutely be present.
We will be happy to advise you and prepare your child for the exam. Information on exam preparation control exam at MYTUTOR can be found here.