French tutoring in Zurich 2022
French lessons in Zurich - is it worth it? This is a question many people ask themselves, especially when considering whether or not to invest in language lessons.
After all, learning a new language can be expensive and French is not one of the most widely spoken languages in Switzerland. However, there are actually many good reasons to learn French, even if you live in Zurich.
What is French Tutoring?
French tut oring is a form of tutoring that focuses on learning the French language. There are many different types of French tutoring. Most tutoring covers grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary and conversation.
Some French tutoring programs also offer courses in culture and history. Those who want to take French tutoring should first research the different programs to make sure they find the one that suits them best.
Tutoring in French is suitable for students who want to
- have difficulty communicating in French at school,
- would like to refresh or expand their knowledge,
- would like to deepen and apply their knowledge.
Why is French tutoring important?
The French language is a world language and the native language of over 220 million people. French is the official language in 29 countries and is one of the official languages of the European Union, the United Nations and many other international organizations. In Switzerland, French is spoken as a national language alongside German, Italian and Romansh.
French tutoring is important because it allows children and teenagers to improve their French language skills in preparation for studying or pursuing a career in a francophone country.
What are the contents of French tutoring?
The content of French tutoring varies depending on the tutoring provider. Some tutoring providers focus on the language, others on the culture and history of France.
However, the content of French tutoring is primarily aimed at students who want to take the Abitur. Nevertheless, it is also possible to use the tutoring for other purposes, for example, for a trip to France or for the job.
What do I learn in French tutoring?
In French tutoring you will learn everything you need for the written and oral part of the language diploma. This includes grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and conversation.
French tutoring is also a good way to prepare for the oral exam. Here you will learn how to improve your pronunciation and expand your vocabulary. You will also get tips on how to present your work.
What is taught in French tutoring?
In French tutoring, students are introduced to the language. They learn to communicate and write texts in French. French tutoring is tailored to the needs of the students and is based on the curriculum 21.
How much does French tutoring cost in Switzerland?
The costs for French tutoring in Switzerland are very different and depend on various factors. On the one hand, it depends on how much French tutoring you need and how often the lessons should take place. Secondly, it also depends on whether you hire a private tutor or a tutoring school.
The prices for private tutors are usually a bit higher than the school fees, but in return you have the possibility to choose the time and place of the lesson. There is also online tutoring, which is often cheaper than the traditional option.