French - the language of love, but not loved by everyone equally. For many students, it poses a huge challenge at school. Complex exceptions and irregular verbs lurk everywhere. The unique pronunciation, numerous grammatical rules and different tenses cause many learners considerable difficulties. Over time, the mountain of grammar rules, vocabulary and exceptions can seem overwhelming and motivation wanes. Tutoring in Zurich.
French tutoring course options & info:
However, French is one of the most important languages of all. It accompanies you throughout your school years, is part of numerous entrance exams, is spoken all over the world, is an official language in Switzerland, a basic requirement for many future employers and a great asset in your professional development.
Improve your French grades in just a short time
With our professional French tutoring at MYTUTOR, you will finally master this language and find joy in it again! Our lessons are personally tailored to your needs and adapt to your individual learning style. MYTUTOR guarantees effective and sustainable learning success. Scroll down to learn more. Invest in your future and in yourself with MYTUTOR French tutoring.

French tutoring topics overview 5th-9th grade
French tutoring topics overview 5th-9th grade ( punctuation, parts of speech, The Sentence, spelling, poetry, direct and indirect speech, tenses and much more... ).
French tutoring topics overview 5th grade
- Family
- Food
- Life / Apartment
- Numbers
- Animals
- Colors
French tutoring topics overview 6th grade
- Future composé
- Passé composé
Sentence structure:
- Adjectives
- Direct and indirect objects
Companion: possessive companion / l'adjectif possessif
- Prepositions: à, au, à l', à la, aux, chez
- Prepositions: de
- Regular verbs
- Irregular verbs
- Imperative
Negation: ne...pas, ne...rien,, ne...personne
- Quantities
- Plural
- Time - l'heure
- Days of the week, months, seasons
- Numbers au french
French tutoring topics overview 7th grade
Adjectives: beau, noveau, vieux
- Demonstrative companion ce
- Question companion quel
Sentence structure:
- Direct and indirect objects
- Indirect question / Indirect speech
- Object pronouns: me, te, nous, vous, le, la, les, lui, leur
- Pronouns: en and y
- Relative pronouns: qui, que, où
- Regular verbs: verbs on -er; verbs on -dre; verbs on -ir
- Irregular verbs
- Irregular verbs: aller, avoir, boire; connaître, être, écrire, faire, lire, mettre, pendre, savoir
- I faut
- Quantities with de
- Set verbs: tout, toute, tous, toutes
- Partition article - l'article partitif: du, de la, de l', des
French tutoring topics overview 8th grade
Adjectives: beau, nouveau, vieux
Indirect question / indirect speech
Set verbs: tout, toute, tous, toutes
Object pronoun:
- Me, te, nous, vous
- Le, la, les
- Lui, leur
- Avant and devant
Relative pronouns: ce qui and ce que
- Auxiliary verbs
- Regular verbs
- Irregular verbs
- Reflexive verbs
French tutoring topics overview 9th grade
Tenses: Future Simple
Adjectives: Increase
Adverb / l'adverbes
Conditional clause - La phrase conditionnelle
Conditionnel présent
Demonstrative pronoun
- General questions
- Questions with: est-ce-que; qu'est-ce, qu'est-ce qui
- Quel
- Inversion questions
- Intonation issues
Emphasis: c'est..qui / c'est...que
Imperative with pronoun
Indirect speech / Indirect question
- Sequence of tenses - concordance des temps
Passive / le passif
Personal pronoun
Plus que parfait
Prepositions with country names
Pronouns: en and y
When does MYTUTOR French tutoring take place?
With private and semi-private French tutoring, you can decide for yourself the dates and times you would like to receive the lessons, as well as how frequent and long your lessons should be. Depending on how intense your everyday life is or if you have an exam coming up, this can be very advantageous.
For constant French tutoring alongside school or training, we recommend our group courses.
You can find the dates for our French tutoring vacation courses in Zurich here.
Where does MYTUTOR French tutoring take place?
French tutoring takes place at our centrally located MYTUTOR location in Zurich(Hagenholzstrasse 81a, 8050 Zurich), which is easily accessible by public transport. All further contact details for MYTUTOR Zurich can be found here.
You can start the online French tutoring from anywhere.
Practice makes perfect!
Especially when it comes to languages, we recommend constant tutoring. Practice makes perfect - The more often you use the language, be it intensively in private lessons, writing essays or through group discussions, the better you will become and the faster you will achieve your personal goals. So it pays to keep at it. MYTUTOR French tutoring wants to help you do just that. We are aware that it is difficult to learn and find motivation on your own. In addition, comprehension problems have an aggravating effect.
That's why MYTUTOR French tutoring is the right choice for you! Together we'll overcome any challenge, help you stay on task and you'll regain the joy of learning - because when French is mastered properly, it's one of the most beautiful languages in the world! Et voilà - soon it will feel like your mother tongue.
Convince yourself and book your first French tutoring lesson with MYTUTOR via our registration form. You will find all important information here on our website. For more specific questions, you can contact us by phone or email. You are also welcome to come by and get a free consultation from our MYTUTOR team. We look forward to getting to know you!