Private tutoring in Zurich

Finally better grades - MYTUTOR makes it possible!
With private tutoring, our students benefit from focused learning and individual tutoring sessions that are precisely tailored to their needs. We focus on the strengths and weaknesses of our students, helping them to work through and understand topics and close any gaps in their knowledge. MYTUTOR supports students in all subjects such as German, mathematics, English, biology, chemistry, physics, etc.
Our private tutoring is offered for all grades from elementary school, secondary school, high school to vocational school. In private tutoring, students can personally and flexibly determine the desired day, time as well as place of tutoring. We offer all our students professional and qualified tutors with whom they can work towards targeted learning success.
Advantages private lessonsin Zurich
- Content, goal and pace are adapted to the needs of our students
- individual, efficient and intensive
- Targeted reduction of knowledge gaps
- Individual appointment and flexible lesson times

Overview private lessonsPrice per lesson
How much do private lessons cost in Zurich?
Packages | Price per lesson | Price per person |
10 lessons package | CHF 59.- | CHF 590.- |
20 lessons package | CHF 57.- | CHF 1140.- |
30 lessons package | CHF 55.- | CHF 1650.- |
40 lessons package | CHF 53.- | CHF 2120.- |
50 lessons package | CHF 51.- | CHF 2550.- |
60 lessons package | CHF 50.- | CHF 3000.- |
Advantages semi-private lessonsin Zurich
- Content, goal and pace are adapted to the needs of our students
- individual, efficient and intensive
- Targeted reduction of knowledge gaps
- Individual appointment and flexible lesson times

Overview semi-private lessonsPrice per lesson
How much do semi-private lessons cost in Zurich?
Packages | Price per lesson | Price per person |
10 lessons package | CHF 45.- | CHF 450.- |
20 lessons package | CHF 43.- | CHF 860.- |
30 lessons package | CHF 41.- | CHF 1230.- |
40 lessons package | CHF 39.- | CHF 1560.- |
50 lessons package | CHF 37.- | CHF 1850.- |
60 lessons package | CHF 35.- | CHF 2100.- |
Advantages trio private lessonsin Zurich
- Content, goal and pace are adapted to the needs of our students
- individual, efficient and intensive
- Targeted reduction of knowledge gaps
- Individual appointment and flexible lesson times

Overview Trio Private LessonsPrice per lesson
How much do private trio lessons cost in Zurich?
Packages | Price per lesson | Price per person |
10 lessons package | CHF 40.- | CHF 400.- |
20 lessons package | CHF 38.- | CHF 760.- |
30 lessons package | CHF 36.- | CHF 1080.- |
40 lessons package | CHF 34.- | CHF 1360.- |
50 lessons package | CHF 32.- | CHF 1600.- |
60 lessons package | CHF 30.- | CHF 1800.- |